Attentive Dental Camberwell.

Attending to your general dentistry needs.

All of us at Attentive Dental hope you are staying safe and well.

As a result of current Victorian Government Directives we are now able to see patients for more routine treatment as well as emergencies, still with some restrictions.

For patients who have appointments scheduled we will be contacting you to confirm or reschedule these appointments depending on our restrictions.

Our front desk staff are now available to assist you with making appointments or you can leave a message on our practice number (03) 9813 4060 and we will return your call.

As circumstances change and in accordance with changing Government Directives, we will keep you informed and ensure that your dental care needs are our priority.

Thank you for your understanding
Dr Felicity Wardlaw, Dr Beverley-Anne Rodan, Dr Michelle Chan

Hoping you stay safe and well during these difficult times